#1 First Post

Writing this on 3:15 in the morning, I couldn't sleep... *sighs*

    Since this is my first-ever entry here, allow me to introduce myself. My pen name is ayasachan, a 23-year-old introvert girl who lives in the Philippines! *smiles*

     I've decided to create an account here as I really wanted to do an online journal for ages! (I've been reading a lot here as well hehe)! And you know what, I'm a diarist since I was a high school student. And I couldn't live without a diary!!! It helps me to process my thoughts and improve my mood.

    I intended this to be my personal blog where I would write about significant things in my life. I might as well put my artwork here or just plain write whatever will cross my mind hehe. As of this moment, I have an e-diary called "Diaro" for very personal photos and private entries (that I don't want to be read by anyone, eerr... deep secrets) and an actual diary for my daily activities.

    See you next entry! Before I'll go, I'd like to share a clearer view of my profile photo; it is a cartoon version of me and my boyfriend, Francis!

Me and my boyfriend and his cat!

    Oh, while I was creating this post, I sent him an FB message that I was having trouble falling asleep, and guess what, he made a phone call! :3 How sweet! His voice sounded sleepy and asked why I'm still up in the middle of the night lol.

    Wish that COVID-19 will end soon. Our region is placed in lockdown last week and I wasn't working since then. I couldn't see my boyfriend too. *sobs* Cheers to anyone who ran across this blog post.~