#3 History Geek

Hello everyone! It’s the 3rd week of the quarantine, and today, I decided to divert my anxiety through writing. COVID-19 is everywhere and one could not help not to feel helpless in the situation. Our President Rodrigo Duterte announced the extension of the ECQ last night. It was heartbreaking to know that the whole world is still grasping how to contain the virus but let us try to be positive and stay at home as much as possible!

    The design firm that I was working for has decided to suspend all the work, hence, I have all the time for myself! (But that means no work, no pay! *sighs*) I spent most of my days being productive such as reading a book about Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra called “A Lifelong Passion by Sergei Mironenko”, writing a new chapter for my story called “Twin Souls” and practicing art every morning. Also, I’ve finished some Netflix shows such as “The Czar” which is a documentary drama show about the Romanovs, and a South Korean drama entitled “Crash Landing on You”. The latter one is my favorite because it has a unique storyline and the chemistry between the North Korean soldier and South Korean citizen is just so good. I’m currently watching “The Crown” which depicts the life of the current monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II.

    Now, you must be wondering if I have a love for royalty based on my preferences. I do, but don’t get me wrong, my political views are entirely democratic! I just love reading biographies of the royalties, especially those who made significant highlights in the pages of history.

    One of the things that I’m fond of is the story of the Romanovs! When I was a child, I loved the cartoon “Anastasia” and through that show, I learned about the famous family. Upon reading their tragic end and looking at their official family photo made me sad. It was the Emperor’s choice that leads him to the dynasty’s downfall, though. Attached below is the photo that I saw when I was a child. They were too beautiful, no?

Nicholas II of Russia with the family (left to right): Olga, Maria, Nicholas II, Alexandra Fyodorovna, Anastasia, Alexei, and Tatiana. Livadiya, Crimea, 1913. Portrait by the Levitsky Studio, Livadiya. Today the original photograph is held at the Hermitage Museum, in St. Petersburg, Russia.

    I also made some collages about OTMA (Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia), the four beautiful daughters of the last Russian Tsar.

1. She reminded me of the Autumn season! 2. A script she wrote in her memoirs. 3. She had a lovely singing voice. 4. She was a bookworm. 5. Her official monogram, a letter "O" that stands for Olga and "Н"(N) that stands for patronymic, Nikolavena. 6. Her colored photo, circa 1910 (ctto). 7. A kokoshnik she has worn in 1911. 8. She loved roses! 9. Her favorite perfume was "La Rose Jacqueminot" by COTY.

1. She reminded me of the winter season! 2. A script she wrote in her memoirs. 3. She was fond of knitting several items for her family and friends. 4. She was a good pianist like her mother, Empress Alexandra. 5. Her official monogram, a letter "T" that stands for Tatiana, and "Н"(N) stands for patronymic, Nikolavena. 6. Her colored photo, circa 1910 (ctto). 7. A kokoshnik she has worn in 1911. 8. She loved jasmines! 9. Her favorite perfume was "Jasmine De Corse" by COTY.

1. Her personality reminded me of marshmallow because during her lifetime, she was known to be the sweetest and most angelic of all the Tsar's daughters! 2. A script she wrote in her memoirs. 3. She had a mouse pet that was living in the bedroom she was sharing with Anastasia. 4. She was a good painter like her grandmother, Empress Maria Feodorovna. 5. Her official monogram, a letter "M" that stands for Maria, and "Н"(N) that stands for patronymic, Nikolavena. 6. Her colored photo, circa 1910 (ctto). 7. A kokoshnik she has worn in 1904. 8. She loved lilacs! 9. Her favorite perfume was "Lilas Blanc" by COTY.
1. She reminded me of the summer season because of her sunny disposition! 2. A script she wrote in her memoirs. 3. She loved art like her elder sister, Maria. 4. She was a stubborn Grand Duchess who would like to climb a tree, much to her parent's dismay. 5. Her official monogram, a letter "A" that stands for Anastasia and "Н"(N) that stands for patronymic, Nikolavena. 6. Her colored photo, circa 1910 (ctto). 7. A kokoshnik she has worn in 1911. 8. She loved violets! 9. Her favorite perfume was "Violette Poupre" by COTY.

    This post isn’t entirely written to be OTMA related but I guess, did? I think their lives are interesting and I hope that they are resting in peace.

    Thanks for reading, stay safe!
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