#21 One Magical Afternoon

600 dpi in A4 size format

Happy Valentines’ everyone!

    Enjoy this new art from me, it’s Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna's fanart, which was heavily inspired by the photograph below. I had so much fun making this art, even if it took me a lot of time. As of today, this is the most detailed visual art that I ever made (and with the largest drawing file as well). :3

    The funny thing was my phone crashed several times because this drawing has so many layers (Well, I wanted to achieve the watercolor effect). What I did was I divided the drawing file into three; one file for the background, one file for the characters, and one master file where I compiled the .jpeg output of the other two mentioned files.

    Soon, I will purchase a drawing tablet so my phone can breathe lol. I’m considering Huawei Matepad but I need to focus on saving.

    It was so detailed that the output file has less than 20MB file size, and my decade-old laptop was having a hard time viewing it lol. I guess I need to upgrade my computer, but they’re too expensive.

    This is so beautiful, I will print it soon and paste it into my journal.

    Notable credits to IG user @nyusenkas_ for helping me with Russian translations. It simply says, "магазин волшебства, с 1884 года" / "Magic Shop since year 1884". Wonder why it was the year 1884? Because it was the same year when the parents of these two characters had met. Another phrase that I've written was, "Осторожно: внутри летающие чайники / Warning: Flying teapots inside!"

    My imagination was just running wild hehe.

Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana shopping in the Isle of Wight