#27 Hello again!

Hello everyone! I’m back again.

    Several things have happened in the past few months, and the major situation was when I decided to quit my previous job because it moved to a farther location - and now I’m working for a company that is ten-minute away from home. No more MRT and long queues! Sounds so lucky, aren’t I? Haha. I was unemployed for a month ( as I had to gather my pre-employment requirements) but I considered it as my vacation before starting to work again.

    I even bought a new laptop! I sold the old one because it cannot handle my architectural software anymore. It’s a TUF gaming laptop though I don’t play games that much hahaha. Writing this journal using this laptop’s keyboard with RGB lights made me happy so much. (Tbh, I’m still not used to this.)

    I even decorated my bedroom and ordered a pen tablet because my universal stylus is almost broken. This week, I was reading about tablets before sleeping. Speaking of graphic tablets, I made several arts since I took LJ hiatus. Again, will write about that thing in another entry.

    Ahhh this month is so full of expenses. However, I considered it a good investment for my career.

    Been working 6-days a week, I was so busy and my body was somehow adjusting. In my previous job, we only worked for three to four days a week due to COVID so I had a lot of time for myself, but now, it’s really different and I’m tired most of the time. But it’s okay, I need to work to sustain my life.

    Funny, I have only touched my three-week-old laptop less than five times HAHAHA.

    I will write again tomorrow, for now, I’m itching to try The Sims 4 again!

    This month feels long enough and short at the same time, maybe because of my new working schedule.