#10 *cough*


Writing this with low energy.

    I love the rainy season because of the weather that it brings, however; I hate dealing with the common cold. Since Monday, I couldn’t even go to the office because I’m showing similar symptoms to COVID-19. But frankly, there’s no need for me to get tested because I only caught this cold from my four-year-old cousin who often sleeps next to me. For the past few days, the sky keeps on pouring rain, that’s why she got sick. And I'm glad that she got better after I caught it. I can't help to feel sad if a child like her is sick. She sleeps next to my parents now instead of me.

    I’m so financially frustrated! I was about to visit the doctor in some community clinic (because it’s cheaper), but they rejected me because of my symptoms. They were referring me to visit the hospital instead, which will be more expensive as I have to purchase PPE and kinds of stuff. Unfortunately, I only have 600 pesos that I need to manage until I get my paycheck. And I don’t even have any insurance at all. How I wish that I had, but I couldn’t afford it. (>﹏<)

    I’ve been paying some debts because my family bought a computer for online classes. Even if I’m so broke, I’m still thankful that all of us are still alive and healthy.

    Well, I’ve been jobless for several months and was thankful that they rehired me. Even with a reduced salary because of the skeletal workforce, I’m still grateful. I still work for the Architecture industry - the actual path that I was following since 2012. And yes, I found my job difficult since they rehired me, and sometimes I just wanted to quit because I felt incompetent - but those are negative voices at the back of my head. Quitting was not an option, but only to improve.

    I’m the luckiest woman because I have a boyfriend who loves me unconditionally! I was moody than usual because of money, and I could not even count how many times I broke up with him because of my depression - yet he won’t give up on me. I’m not a perfect girlfriend, and I used to complain several times. I was wrong, but now, I’m trying to be the better partner for our relationship - for him.

    There are so many things to be grateful for.

    I am so blessed! <3

    But I wish to get better soon, I don’t enjoy staying in bed for too long, and I was sleeping most of the time. I can’t do things I love either. My throat hurts terribly from coughing and my stuffy nose was so uncomfortable.

    ( ̄x ̄;)