#58 2024 Majayjay Trip

    Hi everyone!

    The long weekend zoomed by so fast! And I haven’t even finished enjoying it yet!

    During Holy Week, many people anticipate taking vacations and embarking on long trips with their families rather than focusing on the religious significance of the holiday. While some may view faithfulness as a personal matter, I continue to maintain my unwavering trust in a higher power, despite attending church less frequently than before.

    My family and I made a trip to my grandparents’ rustic estate nestled in the serene town of Majayjay, Laguna. The estate was not a typical house, but an old resort adorned with remnants of structures that had succumbed to the relentless passage of time. As a child, I used to believe that my grandparents were the proprietors of this estate, and in my youthful naivety, I thought we were affluent. However, with the wisdom that comes with age, I came to understand that this enchanting place belonged to my maternal relatives.

Thursday (28 March 2024)

    It was time to head out! My family and I woke up at 4 am to get ready. I skipped taking a bath because I was so sleepy and not used to getting up that early. I only had a piece of cheese sandwich for breakfast to avoid feeling sick during the car ride. This trip was different because it was the first time I was traveling with my dog, Bailey! It was also the first time that I brought a special man to my hometown, haha. My brother joined us as well, and Francis rented his friend’s car for the trip. We were relieved that we didn’t have to ride with my father because there would have been too much luggage and it would have been hard to have conversations. However, renting a car can be pricey with all the expenses like gas and the rental fee itself!

    It was the morning of Maundy Thursday, and people were crowding the roads as they traveled to their respective provinces. The traffic was exceptionally heavy, causing delays in our journey. We departed from Mandaluyong at 5:30 am and didn’t arrive in Majayjay until noon. Along the uneven roads that lead to the depths of the province, my dog vomited, and I felt dizzy, prompting me to take an antihistamine medicine to prevent myself from feeling unwell as well.

    When we finally reached my grandparents’ place, a rush of nostalgia flooded over me. This very place is where I formed my most cherished childhood memories. It was surprising to see that my uncle had decided to settle in this serene location. Not only did he make the landscape extra special, but he also dedicated himself to caring for the diverse array of fish, turtles, and birds that he had brought to the property. To top it off, he had even taken up growing his mushrooms. Being a talented sculpture artist, my uncle’s dedication to beautifying the place without expecting any financial return truly amazed me.

    When afternoon arrived, I decided to rest and sleep the entire time because I was completely exhausted from the long journey.

Friday (29 March 2024)

    It was a special day as we celebrated my mother’s 47th birthday! Majayjay, being a 4th class municipality, has limited options for purchasing goods. In search of a special treat, we decided to visit Lucban to buy a delicious Yema cake. During our trip, we also picked up some broas and the renowned Longganisang Lucban to enjoy.

    It was just a simple get-together, and guess who showed up? My maternal uncle, the same guy who gave us Bailey! His wife couldn’t believe that our dog was being pushed around in a stroller like a little princess. They were so impressed by how well-behaved Bailey was in the stroller and couldn’t believe she didn’t filth on our bed at night. (Well, I’ve trained her well, haha!)

    On that day, we chose to let time drift by simply as we soaked in the gentle breeze. We lounged outdoors by our cottages, surrounded by the melodious tunes of our favorite music. The tantalizing aroma of the food being enjoyed filled the air as we regaled each other with stories and laughter. Our gathering was made even more special by the presence of some of my beloved cousins, adding an extra layer of warmth and joy to the day.

Saturday (30 March 2024)

    It was time to leave! Francis and my brother will surely miss the peacefulness of the place and the delicious foods that were served by my Grandparents. My dog Bailey will surely miss her morning walks that were only filled with the sounds of chirping birds, instead of the bustling Mandaluyong streets way back home.

    Originally, we were planning to leave the next day, but my grandfather suggested we leave on Saturday to avoid the heavy traffic. We also decided to skip our visit to Monte Maria, the charming nearby province known for its huge shrine at the top of the hill because of lack of time. My grandmother, always full of love and care, packed us a bunch of delicious sandwiches, each one neatly wrapped in white napkins. My grandfather, on the other hand, always told us the directions and reminded us to take care of our way. They haven’t changed at all; they’re the same warm-hearted grandparents who raised me when I was a kid. I can see how much they’ve aged since the last time I saw them! As I’m writing this, I miss them so much. I hope both my grandmother and grandfather live longer lives. It hurts so much when they are talking about their deaths and what will happen to their place, which is inevitable.

    Majayjay is not an extraordinary tourist spot like Baguio, but it will always have a special place in my heart.

    Until I see them again!